Kover -Analisi Microbiologiche - http://www.koveritalia.com/

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Microbiologica Analysis
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Figure 1 compares data relating to the levels of pollution on the outside with levels inside a waste disposal room. The latter was used to provide an extreme example of polluted air.
Values of outside air pollution were measured in order to take into account their influence on levels of internal air pollution levels were recorded at 9.30 a.m.
The first sample was taken at 11.45, after the lamp had been installed. There is a notable reduction in the number of air-borne micro-organisms present. Calculations based on the number of external air-borne micro-organisms show that this reduction is in the orderof 50%. Final results demonstrate a radical change in the number of microbes present when compared to initial levels. Before using the SPECTRAL UV lamp, the level of microbes present inside was higher than levels outside. After using the lamp, the level of pollution inside was virtually negligible.
Another important test was run by taking samples from the area around the air intakes and the air nozzles, from which clean air flowed outwards (see fig. 2). As is clear from the data obtained, the level of microbe pollution was much higher in samples of untreated air than in the air flowing out of the nozzles.
It seems clear, then, that the SPECTRAL UV germicidal lamp is a real help in combating and eliminating air-borne micro-organisms. In order to test the ability of the lamp to render air hygienic, a room measuring 70 cu. m. was sprayed with Bacillus Subtilis. A series of air samples were then taken over a period of time to test the level of microbe pollution in the air. The air was sampled using an S.A.S. system both before and after the Spectral UV Germicidal Lamp was turned on. The results, as can be seen from Figure 3, show a drastic reduction in the levels of microbe pollution over this period, a clear demonstration of how effective this equipment is at destroying germs.
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